After September 1, 2023 - Privacy


After September 1, 2023 - Privacy

August 30, 2023


How I feel...

Humiliation - Embarrassment doesn't even exist. That is not even a variable... we were beyond what that could feel like in the 90's

Conscience. Morals. Ability to feel emotionally - psychological -mentally & physically like a normal University educated adult if comprehensible responsible adult perspectives in North America 


People of different backgrounds & careers 

In my separate life. I have Carly, Tekari, Tatiana & our children in that life with those close & yet sure we are connected to different people that are connected to different people in different countries on a professional level & privately or exclusively 

We are not invaders. We don't infiltrate & invade peoples careers professionally or private lives ever yet we are available privately through the right screened approved contacts  

We don't bother people yet the forced 11-25 hours & blogger pages description of H.I.3

We don't make comments about people that are partnered dating or invested in family or private social arrangements in their private lives or professionally 

Appropriate versus 3 clusters of Ontario labs. Our total regard for respect mutually with people versus those that express total disregard & threat which hold weight versus empty with no weight 

A danger to oneself versus public or personal property & others then other threat forms including the H.I.3 Case & our interest in wanting to be freed of our forced involvement in Montreal altogether 

We wanted to conclude the case in the 1990's to settle & unman 

People are enjoying their daily lives. Some in our group are living under harsh restrictions with no explanation at all especially between 2012-2023

Holidays - vacations - daily schedules 

Interests - events - social circles - relationships


PT Group


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