
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Word Fag + Hundreds others

DISRESPECT + 3 ONT LABS  The Word Fag + Hundreds others  August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- A GLOBAL EXAMPLE OF Life Imprisonment or Death  This is for speaking near, into or through the wireless technology into skull - ears & through the mouth One disrespectful comment recorded Bullet in the head or snapped neck  Simple as that. Situation addressed with M.S.P while M.C.G observes  M.C.G may report thinking M.S.P & segregated groups shouldn't have done that in which they done or may based on their version of justice while M.C.G follows law & ethics in a humane way Modern Separatist Group Murder City Gang THIS IS NOT AN EXAMPLE  We are not teaching those that operated at or with the three clusters of Ontario labs between 1980's-2023 An example us being made of the three clusters of Ontario labs for efforts taken 1980's-2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

We Don't Want it Reported?

WE DON'T LIKE IT REPORTED? The global expose is a go regardless August 31, 2023 ---------------------------------------------------------------- People & groups start asking questions which they & those connected don't have time for People hired to cover up the idea they may be involved legally & privately wreak havoc against parties: persons & groups they hold responsible which often go against with those connected the actual responsible parties We in Montreal have a global grid & petition to take down legally or privately anyone involved or connected to the responsible neurological technology labs & those operating at & with In this case the neurological technology labs affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett & those connecting between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again 2012-2023 CORPORATE DRAFTS  Corporate drafts. Everyone exposed admits in court on film record shared live then globally in copies against record

The Dark Web versus Stupid

THE DARK WEB August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Online black market versus stupid people & smart covert high level intelligence groups -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

Blame the Victims Dallas

TARGETS GETTING KILLED Blame the Victims Dallas September 1, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone exposed admits in court on film record shared live then globally in copies against recorded & documented evidence collected between 1980's-2023 These neurological technology lab spies & everyone connected ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ appear in court or loose their lives as we have multiple groups within our global grid & petition prepared to take everyone down from the outside in & inside out EXPOSING THE INSIDE OF THE THREE CLUSTERS  We had connected interests that were entering & exiting the three clusters if Ontario labs & others after tracing signals from affected persons to locations housing neurological technology then we filmed the interior & exterior of the locations & proceeded to covertly investigate everyone involved entering & exiting past-present plus those connecting through offlin

The Global Expose. H.I.3

THE GLOBAL EXPOSE September 1, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Included in the 10 terabyte & PDF disclosures by Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal COMBATING THREATS TO SAVE LIVES Saving affected persons & threat of potential newly affected persons The Exposed: People with their Government ID & life cycle profiles are being exposed Their addresses past-present like high risk offenders in the cold case H.I.3 Withheld due to privacy: Banking Government accounts Tax accounts THE EXPOSED --------------------------------------------- The three clusters of Ontario labs Past-present 24 hour rotational teams & volunteers & guests flown in & driven in Persons & groups connected + those contacted through different offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication operating within & outside the borders & airspace of Canada GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION  September 1, 2023 Hard

September 1, 2023. Day of Freedom

PUBLIC DISCLOSURES  September 1, 2023. Day of Freedom  August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- DISTRIBUTION PLANS  Distribution channels of the 10 terabytes & PDF copies of the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Alphabet Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 Case Over 1000 ten terabyte hard drives with PDF copies of the case in detail with all links will be distributed starting September 1, 2023 in multiple countries as planned with recordings ceasing 11:59 PM August 31, 2023 of Dr Sydney Bennett daily September 1, 1985 onward all experiences Permissions in the full transparency disclosure using freedom of information allowing in Montreal by Cypress International Biotechnology in opposition of the three clusters of Ontario labs + others to stop a larger threat The hard drives can be duplicated & 10 variations of neurological technology devices & software used over time are available to see for approved screened group representativ

Connecting Bodies - Then?

HOOKED UP THEN... WHAT? Connecting Bodies - Then? August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- CHOICE IN USE IF NEURO-TECH  Investigate & court order with health review board after establishing reasons in an advanced check list prior to after gaining understanding of life cycle of experiences or lure in for something else & connect then try to figure out with or without knowing while studying habits mocking unmanned reviewing & going through memory  It's one or the other people  Some labs total disregard then strict firm standards like Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal  Wireless enslavement & imprisonment or execution is a serious concern  -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

USA - Canada trade + Global Conflict

NORTH AMERICA  USA - Canada trade + Global Conflict  August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Canada - USA import & export trade then separate laws & Government  Separate allies & enemies with some shared The Canadians do not want to merge with any conflict the USA has internationally My opinion  - Dr Sydney Bennett. Canadian born  -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

Global Distribution - H.I.3 Case

GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION - H.I.3 CASE August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Canadian & International disclosures Areas of distribution & over 2 billion people then those connecting with copies of PDF's & back ups    Nightclubs Bars Restaurants & pubs Retail stores & chains or franchises Hotels, Motels Residential developments Public stock markets Private markets Organizations International Airports Corporations & Companies Persons & Groups Areas of Governments Actors, actresses, directors, cast-crew, artists, bands, musicians Resorts - ski - snowboard & spa Retreats  Call centres - contacting residences & businesses    Online presence Social media + blog pages & over 1000 databases with access points 2016-2023 public disclosures with all updates between PREPARING THE GLOBAL PUBLIC Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal  Heirarchy & so other groups & persons don't overstep the right

Ontario - Neurological Technology Concerns

STATE OF NEUROLOGICAL TECHNOLOGY  Ontario - Neurological Technology Concerns  August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- SITUATION  Canadian Labs - Neurological Technology We while in Toronto have witnessed Four different operating neurological technology labs operating in Greater Toronto area with subjects in Toronto, Hamilton & Niagara Region We have seen the labs operate people subjects from unmanned to partially & fully manned separately & even use subjects to talk to each other at the labs they ate operating out of that they are connected to & others they are not using their bodies or to other labs to other affected persons We have seen domestic operating neurological technology labs in Canada connected & not connected then others foreign operating domestically or from international locatioms with citizens or guests & visas to Canada monitored & or monitored & controlled operated on Canadian soil within bord

Stuff you Dont Want - We are Junk collectors

STUFF YOU DON'T WANT August 31, 2023  Stuff you Dont Want - We are Junk collectors --------------------------------------------------------------------  WE ARE JUNK COLLECTOR  We may take an interest in using or re-manufacturing for our Quebec experimental beta research cult community compound rather than a land fill or we can place it in another interests hands Technologies & anything really Ones man's or ladies & or gender sexuality deviant bastards junk = treasures    Raising the roof. Driving dirty. Hundreds into thousands of other comments & actions at rhe one Ontario lab 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 Yes... subjects can hear & in some cases especially with myself I, Dr Sydney Bennett have Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal recording between 1990's-2023  JUNK COLLECTOR + PRETTY  Fascination with the female consciousness & body in some forms over others

Smartest People on the Planet

SMARTEST PEOPLE ON EARTH August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Terence Tao is said to have the highest IQ score in the world currently, with an impressive score of between 225-230. If the Chinese-American mathematician scored 230 he is definitely out in front. Effectively tying for the title, though, is Marilyn Vos Savant. Comparisons Dr Sydney Bennett unlike the 135-160 IQ using earth's history + 11-25 hours & blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case as an approach has an IQ of previously thought 140-170 yet it is above 200 after H.I.3 review with unmanned reading - production & memory skill + psychological - mental & physical control of the body at different rates of speed Normal socially. Fully developed physically  Higher IQ - speed control then memory retention ability with physical ability  Reading style + speed & retention Neuro-downloading  Neuro-uploading  Control over stress levels  Control over overa

H.I.3 High Priest - Gods

GOT IT OR YOU DON'T  H.I.3 High Priest - Gods August 31, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- People Developed knowledge & skill becomes ability Got it or you don't. Cut & dry  High Priests Sponsored into group. 33 levels & studied to be mentor priest Got it or you don't. Cut & dry  Gods Special ability High Priests with extra sensory ability  Neurological out of body vibrational & energy not placebo  Control over physical energy powers & life review + biological physical wireless object manipulation  Got it or you don't. Cut & dry  ------------------------------------------------------------------- DR SYDNEY BENNETT Bevarian Masonic Illuminati High Priest - God My perspective on everything that is today on earth Wilderness then what we have Biological life Recreational sex Exercise Diet-nutrition & health - oral + full body Repopulation Communication Population numbers My ability to zone

Power Naps

 Power naps - Mandatory 10:30 am - Mandatory 2:30 pm - Mandatory 7:00 pm Basic advanced no-logo mobile with screen monitoring for performance Wireless digital PDF graphic organization of basic text to suit using advanced A.I

H.I.3 CASE - Introduction

H.I.3 CASE  Havana International 3+ DIFFERENCES Every Meta: Facebook page is different Each post & photograph + description throughout the main - page time lines & photo-albums Reminders posts that are the same then all content yet each page & connecting blogger pages connect Source  The global cases are rising & have risen past 20% of the global population of over 8 billion. Neurological technology labs in Government & Private Sector in multiple countries operating domestically & internationally Read more  Replace (dot) with actual . to reveal link WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY DEVICES Mind - Body Packets Sonic - Frequency - Accoustic - Electromagnetic Pulse weapons. Full body permanent & detachable Havana Syndrome causing drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology used to monitor & or monitor & control the subject body h

PT Group Restructure

PT Group Restructure ---------------------------------- August 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Carly K.S Bennett - Dr Tekari Y Bennett - Dr Sydney N Bennett After we had mocked the three clusters of Ontario labs efforts in response globally in different staged events including in Palm Springs & Toronto we concluded September 1, 2023 Wealth transfer in 2024 ------------------------------- CIG - PT Group $10 US Bn Worth Small company - Output & exclusive Dr Carly Koslov - Personal 20 Bn CAD - PT Group 333 Bn 3.33 Dr Tekari Y Bennett - Personal 20 Bn CAD - PT Group 333 Bn 3.33 Dr Sydney N Bennett - Personal 20 Bn CAD - PT Group 333 Bn 3.33 Children's portfolio 30 Bn CAD Open investment revoked at $10 Bn CAD -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

Our stance on USA - 2023 LGBTQ2+

PT Group  Our Stance on USA - 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- We are like... you know judging on targeting & why the same-sex populous exists in North America. It is choice or it is by force or a wireless attack  Simple as that. Deviance in trend or choice by attraction  Many are so chic & trendy that they just display beyond. Chin in air & they just are  Everyone recognizes in astonishment  Look at you. Just wow  The courage to be beyond cool in such a risqué public display  To cool for the societal biological norms The Americans as a majority over minority don't particularly like Canada or Canadians & chose to dislike trade with Canada yet it continues. Canada is a more progressive equal rights country that strictly maintains rather than creating - allowing then banding or targeting revoking after approving in a cycle of yes it's okay then no or a set up of its okay yet it's really not  That advice in Canada warns

Accomplices to 3 Ont Labs - referring to us as...

NECKS SNAPPED IN CANADA  Accomplices to 3 Ont Labs - referring to us as... -------------------------------------------------------------------- Stupid kids...  Yeah okay. Do you want to experience neck snap phenomenon? Neck snapped  That's why you don't snap the necks of Dr Carly K.S Bennett or Dr Sydney N Bennett or family, children or extended family wirelessly or in person directly & or using different persons & groups  Necks snapped! Your on the bus or another one bites the dust - Dr Sydney Bennett  -------------------------------------------------------------------- PT Group 

Calgary - Western Canadian Auction: September 1, 2023

OFFICIAL SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 August 30, 2023 Calgary Alberta storage - Auction  -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Sydney Bennett is selling all remaining items in a Calgary storage at auction On-road & off-road vehicles Including a Lamborghini Aventador, Ducati vintage Cafe racer build & specifics Private jet - Gulfstream 650 Remaining items in storage Calgary condo Share in the Calgary condo Leased office space & items in Western Canada Logo activity clothing, accessories & footwear donated Hikers travel bag & Burton Wheelie Locker bag with contents minus family heirlooms that are Canadian only  NEW RESTRUCTURE ------------------------------------ No logo custom travel bags  No logo medical - dental supplies sourced custom made  No logo custom activity specific clothing, accessories & footwear No logo custom order mobile phones & laptops with open source market & operating system Approved screen

2024 - Plans PT Group

2024 - PT Group August 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- We have no deal with the United States Government Federally or with any State so we can no longer visit, study or live in the USA. We no longer have US investments or assets since the June 1, 2023 - September 1, 2023 CIG restructure deal  No deal for security over H.I.3 so we cannot risk it while separate domestic & international threats are real on US soil regardless so it is Quebec & our Canada - International investment & company portfolio restructure first for 2024 while we restructure our personal private lives & personal, joint & CIG portfolios in Montreal from Toronto & Montreal   Our deal extends to Calgary & Montreal presently as it's been since 2012-2023 after interests had separate international deals which have changed since between June 1, 2023 - September 1, 2023 to address the situation involving our professional & private lives + inves

H.I.3 - All Links August 15, 2023

MASTER LINKS - EVERY DETAIL  Everything you need to know... H.I.3 - All Links August 15, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sydney Bennett CIG 2023 restructure H.I.3 Case. Organized strategically for review + PDF back up. Copy - save into Word or Doc for review & share copies like millions have -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- June 21, 2023 - Join hundreds of millions H.I.3 Case Havana International 3+ with Framework  Last update. H.I.3 You can read & review the blogger pages that accompany the 11-25 hours description of the Havana International 3+ case within 5 hours or under 10 accurately as it all goes together as a learned craft intertwined within the ciminal legal case alongside recorded & documented evidence with traced correspondence  There is a school in how to operate,

No Media Attention - Outside of H.I.3

MONTREAL  No Media Attention - Outside of H.I.3 August 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Undisclosed addresses in private Holdings conpanies names Postal boxes & pseudonyms for any mailing & digital addresses  Virtual private addresses in inner urban city for Government identity for our protection over H.I.3 registered to Government controlled - Private Sector locations creating anonymity  This is layers advanced protection against different groups connected to the three clusers of Ontario labs & others Security precautions in public with disguised covert appearance then secondary registered Government ID under different names with secondary Passports so we cannot be identified or linked to the H.I.3 Case  OUR PUBLIC NAMES & CAREERS  Visible public brand in with PT Group & media style & appearance with 11-25 hours & blogger pages  The Bennett 4/15 Carly K.S Bennett - Tekari Y Bennett - Tatiana Bennett - Sydney Benn

After September 1, 2023 - Privacy

MONTREAL - SEPARATE LIFE... After September 1, 2023 - Privacy August 30, 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------- How I feel... Humiliation - Embarrassment doesn't even exist. That is not even a variable... we were beyond what that could feel like in the 90's Conscience. Morals. Ability to feel emotionally - psychological -mentally & physically like a normal University educated adult if comprehensible responsible adult perspectives in North America  -------------------------------------------------------------------- People of different backgrounds & careers  In my separate life. I have Carly, Tekari, Tatiana & our children in that life with those close & yet sure we are connected to different people that are connected to different people in different countries on a professional level & privately or exclusively  We are not invaders. We don't infiltrate & invade peoples careers professionally or private lives ever yet