Ontario - Neurological Technology Concerns


Ontario - Neurological Technology Concerns 

August 31, 2023



Canadian Labs - Neurological Technology

We while in Toronto have witnessed

Four different operating neurological technology labs operating in Greater Toronto area with subjects in Toronto, Hamilton & Niagara Region

We have seen the labs operate people subjects from unmanned to partially & fully manned separately & even use subjects to talk to each other at the labs they ate operating out of that they are connected to & others they are not using their bodies or to other labs to other affected persons

We have seen domestic operating neurological technology labs in Canada connected & not connected then others foreign operating domestically or from international locatioms with citizens or guests & visas to Canada monitored & or monitored & controlled operated on Canadian soil within borders & airspace of Canada

Seamless operating of subjects then subjects being interrogated or spoken to

Those unaware are under the impression the subject to if out of context vocally, physically & psychologically are experiencing mental health problems or concerns yet those not connected to neurological technology may be then those connected may or may not be while under watch & control



Neurological Technology - Brain Research technology used to be written off as a conspiracy held under non-disclosures & gag orders then between 2012-2016 it became declassified with lifted gag orders & non-disclosures under Havana Syndrome causing wireless neurological technologies 

Subjects would be set up to be experiencing mental health problems & disregarded in different controlled social - financial - economic positions in life controlled for different purpose since 1980's-2000's advancements in the technology & associated softwares 

People that spoke out involved & connected threatened legally & privately or drafted & silenced then subjects used then killed wirelessly blaming accidents, suicide or other variables with hundreds into thousands of excuses 

The equipment used dismantled & destroyed or repurposed for re-use on a new subject human, animal, insect or mammal 



Montreal Rue Cypress Neurological Technology re-assimilation tracing - unmamning process created by Michael Persinger, Dr Mary Koslov & Dr Sydney Bennett 

Ontario Canada is one area of multiple in Canada affected like other countries 


PT Group  


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