We Don't Want it Reported?


The global expose is a go regardless

August 31, 2023

People & groups start asking questions which they & those connected don't have time for

People hired to cover up the idea they may be involved legally & privately wreak havoc against parties: persons & groups they hold responsible which often go against with those connected the actual responsible parties

We in Montreal have a global grid & petition to take down legally or privately anyone involved or connected to the responsible neurological technology labs & those operating at & with

In this case the neurological technology labs affecting Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett & those connecting between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again 2012-2023


Corporate drafts. Everyone exposed admits in court on film record shared live then globally in copies against recorded & documented evidence collected between 1980's-2023

These neurological technology lab spies & everyone connected ages 0-17 & those ages 18-100+ appear in court or loose their lives as we have multiple groups within our global grid & petition prepared to take everyone down from the outside in & inside out


Hacking... modern wireless jacking or investigating



PT Group 


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