Our stance on USA - 2023 LGBTQ2+

PT Group 

Our Stance on USA - 2023


We are like... you know judging on targeting & why the same-sex populous exists in North America. It is choice or it is by force or a wireless attack 

Simple as that. Deviance in trend or choice by attraction 

Many are so chic & trendy that they just display beyond. Chin in air & they just are 

Everyone recognizes in astonishment 

Look at you. Just wow 

The courage to be beyond cool in such a risqué public display 

To cool for the societal biological norms

The Americans as a majority over minority don't particularly like Canada or Canadians & chose to dislike trade with Canada yet it continues. Canada is a more progressive equal rights country that strictly maintains rather than creating - allowing then banding or targeting revoking after approving in a cycle of yes it's okay then no or a set up of its okay yet it's really not 

That advice in Canada warns travellers that laws to curb vagrancy and public nuisance incidents could also be used to target them in an effort "to criminalize 2SLGBTQI+ people even if they are not using it as tool to target."

Travel Advisory 





Greater Toronto Area

- Specific areas & neighborhoods

North Bay & Area 

Greater Vancouver Area

- Specific areas & neighborhoods

Okanagan Valley 

- Specific areas & neighborhoods

Niagara Region 

- Specific areas & neighborhoods

Montreal & Area 

- Specific areas & neighborhoods

Specific areas 


Canada - Nation Wide 


Anti-gay groups will injure, kidnap, professionally sabotage & destroy then even murder anyone that identifies as or that is represented as LGBTQ2+ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer 2+ and even have your body destroyed through neurological technology 

Try to emulate straight heterosexual couples or people as close as possible being careful with activity specific clothing, accessories & footwear choices while acting very traditional & conservative even with interest based style socially 


PT Group 


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