Neuro-tech drafts. Counter response 2023-2025+


Neuro-tech drafts. Counter response 2023-2025+

September 26, 2023



We are using confirmed interests that operated with or at the responsible neurological technology labs then persons that are terminally ill as drafted & paid neurological technology private agents to operate within M.S.P Modern Separatist Group while M.C.G Murder City Gang operates to investigate tracing all offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication as per the 1990's-2023 investigation with Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs against the responsible Neurological Technology labs that operated between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023

Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett did not include those that operated at or with the responsible neurological technology labs between 1980's-2023 through devices connected to their bodies or directly in their lives & through different persons they connected with while spying on & through their bodies wirelessly in their private lives or professionally at workplaces daily on a 24/7 basis

We are using a draft process. M.S.P Modern Separatist Group drafted persons have to force all interests that operated with & at the responsible neurological technology labs into court to settle with Government & private interests against recorded & documented evidence collected including all traced offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication between 1980's-2023

M.S.P drafts force all interests into court or execute all targets or another drafted group executes them while multiple draft groups operating within M.S.P Governs all draft groups in a structured process

Every person that operated at the responsible neurological technology labs then those connected past & present then those contacted & those connected plus those new which expect to intervene are targets for M.S.P & M.C.G to take down legally & privately

M.S.P drafts when ordered after exhausting all options execute targets or they are executed while those in their private lives past - present are executed or taken captive & or knocked into a neurological technology network taken captive as wireless prisoners


Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Nicolas Bennett did not once agree to having been lured in & connected to the responsible neurological technology labs devices & monitored & or monitored & controlled between 1980's-2023

The 2012-2023 rape-torture-terror attacks on the two & others are well documented & made public between 2016-2023

All efforts taken between mainly between 1990's - 2015 are well documented & public access since 2016

Any person, group, business, clinic, hospital, area of Government or organization caught involved operating directly at the responsible neurological technology labs are threat targets as are all accomplices connected outside the responsible neurological technology labs 


PT Group - CIG 


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