Rape of Dr Sydney Bennett


September 4, 2023

Of Dr Sydney Bennett between 1995-2023

Ladies -----------------------------------------------------

Choice in dating & consensual sex with under twenty ladies. Over sixty ladies used in equation of different shapes & sizes then race & backgrounds

35% reasonable safe yet unwanted experiences & 65% dangerous

Some family & sage syricy around minors & others using social etiquette & international law while others fell short

Eight males used -------------------------------------

People with a pen!s between the legs instead of a vaginas

75% reasonable safe yet unwanted experiences & 25% dangerous

Some family & sage syricy around minors & others using social etiquette & international law while others fell short

Seven gender variants used ---------------------

Transgendered people

Male & female born

75% reasonable safe yet unwanted experiences & 25% dangerous

Some family & sage syricy around minors & others using social etiquette & international law while others fell short

BODY TAKEN OVER --------------------------------

The one Ontario lab. Restraining body physically, suppressing psychologically-mentally

The lab taking control of the body vocally, physically & psychologically-mentally locking in consciousness & raped using females, males & gender variant trans males & trans females restrained & even gang fu*ked in person while people at the one Ontario lab had administered detention & execution or a combination practices

Wirelessly raped by over 500 people at times multiple times a day regardless of where body was & what body was doing or intending. People of different race, culture & gender, sexuality then ages 0-17 & those 18-100+




Of Dr Sydney Bennett 

Dates & engages in adult consensual sex with specific thin, educated females

Strict boundaries, standards, expectations & demands 

Dating sex rules 

Does not do diseased or drug addicts
Does not do non-thin
Does not do the ugly
Does not do anal or mutual
Does not do males or gender variants
Does not do male ejaculation touch or taste & swallow or allow inside holes
Does limit vagina fluid contact. Very specific
Does not like thinking about males or penis or male ejaculation or male body  

Can imagine sexual - dating perspectives of others in different genders & bodies + sexuality each quite accurately using a hybrid method acting - writing style 


Does not tolerate disabilities - handicap or people that work or worked with. Not interested in equipping oneself 


Does not tolerate many LGBTQ2+ lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer 2+ people or those that work or worked with. Not interested in equipping oneself 


Does not tolerate any mentally or criminally ill people or those that work or worked with. Not interested in equipping oneself 


Does not tolerate any spies or those using neurological technology people or those that work or worked with. Not interested in equipping oneself 

Traditional, offline-online or mobile then neurological technology wireless spies


Their alongside others invested in on neurological technology experiments on different persons internationally to take partial to full control of the body fooling medical doctors diagnosing & treating patients which extends to medications not required & treatment not required while those not connected or affected require potential medication & treatment

Driving profits through these efforts for shareholders while creating a manufactured docile basic easy to monitor & control neuro-network controlled majority population with Government interests & Private Sector 


Independent film...

Smoking out the holes

It's a Corporation where people work & people support it as fans based on product & service offerings past-on-going

Rodent.The image & picture has died

It must die


PT Group


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