Canada + M.S.P Brain Technology


Canada + M.S.P Brain Technology 

October 2, 2023

The majority of everyone that operated at the responsible neurological technology labs affected Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett are either already connected into neurological technology networks or they will be between 2023-2024

Intermidiary devices connecting persons bodies to main devices stored at undisclosed locations connected to software & networks allowing invested interests to log in & review mental state from birth - present time on-going

Intermidiary devices used as wireless guns disguised pointed at the skull - heads of one or multiple targets at one time connecting their bodies to 3d print 3 component detachable devices with full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology capabilities

All past & present live 24/7 thought, imagination & memory

Monitor & or monitor & control of

Wearing the body as a suit




Circulation - Blood flow
Muscles including facial & jaw
Lungs - breathing & control of
Internal organs
Organ function & control of

Psychological - Mental

Voice to skull
Tightening muscles or internal organs for control using physical pain


Ability to disable vocal ability to send voice through mouth in any style or decibel level decided while monitoring through head - eye sight & hearing from the inside out

Ability to trace signals from affected persons using EEG & tablets to GPS location housing main devices to investigate then attach all persons entering & exiting into detachable main device neurological technology networks to record & document all persons operating at & with connecting to the location past-present including all offline, online, mobile & telephone channels of communication within any border & airspace globally 

Advanced trained human teams & advanced software practices administered in tracking & investigating  


We can freeze the bodies ability to use muscles or internal organ function & repeat sounds into skull-ears to scramble ability to think clearly or focus & blur vision then further restrain muscles & administer psychological warfare tactics to void ability to do anything locking in consciousness & contract & expand internal organs then force to swallow to much air & cause forced passing of gas, urination & passing of stool or targeted direct pain head to toe 

We can also push & sprain, strain or fracture bones head to toe or almost using a threshold method of control mildly or aggressively then pull muscles, drain energy & inflict different levels of pain causing temporary to permanent injuries  

You can make the subject candidate trip, fall & fracture bones causing injury or death staged or at random anytime 

M.S.P Modern Separatist Group 


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