Canadian Government - Canadian attackers


Reality check. October 12, 2023 

Canadian Government - Canadian attackers 


Corrupt areas of the Government are behind the clipping the wings brutal attempts on Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett

These interests involved operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay are caught with multiple interests

Forth - Binkzak - Samson are on list of families connected to the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay

The Americans can stay out of the counter attacks on the Canadians as can international citizens

M.S.P will be screaming in song themes "they" while referencing everything they did to Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett on record between 2012-2023

Every person will be experiencing multiple fractured bones, damages to internal organs, induced controlled mild heart attacks, damage to eyes & muscles permanently then kept alive

We are developing a special theme song amongst others in counter attacks in retaliation for denied right to trial in Canada between 1980's-2023

Everyone is going down as corrupt drug dealers, arms dealers & fraudster liars that lie, lie, lie & cheat, cheat, cheat then expect to state nothing like they don't know

They were unaware & couldn't recall as it was news to them yet they did it

Too far fetched & in secret was it something they could get away with

Your all fu*ked for what you did to our bodies wirelessly between 2012-2023 & prior to 2011. Your all going to get beat the fu*k out of really, really badly for attacking us on a 24/7 basis for over a decade

The mentally insane weird the fu*k oh idiots that stated we had a cover for something all of a sudden between 2008-2023 for what the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay & connected labs did to our bodies: Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett

Everyone involved & connected between 1980's-2023 that operated with & at the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay & connected labs are stupid fu*king mentally & criminally ill people especially the fu*k tarded losers that tried to look good while stating they do while claiming we, Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett were to be stupid & uncool then they smart & cool

Fu*king basic disturbed losers then these these as shoes that work with the mentally fu*king retarded handicap expecting to take control of our lives like we have down syndrome all of a sudden

Beat the fu*k out of is in order. Coat, shoes & everything stolen. That's it

Canadian Government - Canadian attackers 

These stupid fu*kin Canadians did not only have their own demented pathetic separate lives to live they had to work tirelessly to destroy our lives in the process from the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay 

Oh... sorry fine if you want to help the mentally disabilities handicap yet start trying to overpower, invade & control our lives directly, through others or through a wireless neurological technology device & your fu*ked in so many ways you just done as a human being 

You might as well down size, purchase a wheelchair, storage unit & get ready to be a disabilities wheelchair yourself with umbrella hat making squeaky sound uncontrolled in a drool pissing & sh!tting then farting as you gasp for air 


If this is for Jordan Bennett of PWC Canada overweight coke whoring swinger wife or Dr Sydney N Bennett's ex coke whoring liar cheat eine Jackie then wow 

Cocaine & cigarettes never happened & lies, sleeping around then bringing ione doses & fu*king lying so everyone sees you as victim & backs your coke face liar head against the boogey-person

Bad boogey-person

Abusive coke face broads versus fact 

Screaming they into our skulls - ears & through our mouths then making sh!t up about us & our lives while assaulting our bodies from the responsible neurological technology labs then contacting as many people as possible to claim it as fact negatively affecting us in public, at workplaces - past-present then in our private lives then amongst those we met in the the past & all persons connected internationally 

Amy Toms is nothing more than a sociopathic manipulative abuser control freak micro royal history almost curator that is incredibly dangerous. Bump of coke & a cigarette while husband Jordan used to sneak a marijuana joint with a beer while focused on his career efforts expecting well also control freak

Dr Sydney N Bennett & Dr Carly K.S. Bennett which have always been of a higher financial stature since 1990's-2000's were attacked over these two & others connected with no explanation by the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay 



If you operated physically at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay we want you killed immediately or serving life sentences in solitary confinement 

If you operated with through different offline, online, mobile & telephone we natural you serving 38-42 or under 50 year sentences in solitary confinement cells 

Any one person within the borders of Canada that tried representing us to any one person or group can spend life in a solitary confinement cell or die immediately 

If you asked what we are doing or what we are being like to those illegally monitoring & or monitoring & controlling us at the responsible neurological technology labs we are 100% against you & everyone connected so we think you can spend life in a solitary condiment cell or just die early alongside those connected  

Any references to the name Nic in Canada or Jordan Bennett's is highly offensive. Jordan Bennett & Jackie Keller can go fu*k themselves as can both families, extended families & everyone they had met past-past

Marie Savage Bennett & Rose Savage Ouellette are disgraceful vile wretched peices of fu*king dog as are the rest of the family. We stated what we respected in their lives up until mid 1990's-2000''s where we lost all respect & interest entirely to the point of restraining orders & a global fu*k you to Rod, Marie & daughter Jackie Keller 

Fu*k you. Christine & Madison with sister are willing to meet in court with media & say fu*k you to the Bennett - Keller group of rejects we are globally disgracing in every area of every country for what they did to us since mid 1990's with lies & for operating at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay & connected labs between 2012-2023 

You ripped us off. Your Indian givers. Your liars. Your cheats. You lied to look good. You discredited us. You tried to make us seem undesirable & incapable so we would seem pathetic then your superior while we want want to be copy cat

You rent us some space then sell us a few new or used items then take some back & pay minimal for interior - exterior maintenance  

We are 100% against our Canadian family & extended plus everyone we met in Canada minus specifics in Montreal & Toronto 

Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett


The one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay & others connected can describe to the persons invested in & clients of these Canadian accounting firms & as to why they are all walking hostage targets for operating to brutally murder us wirelessly between 2012-2023 after other efforts taken before 2012

Deloitte Canada LLP
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Ernst & Young

We are 100% anti-Canadian due to the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay & connected labs 

Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett


PT - CIG  


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