M.S.P + Dr Carly K.S Bennett 2023-2024


Agenda with Dr Carly K.S Bennett


Murder every person that operated at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay between 1986-2023

If you spied on or through

If you spoke near, into or through vocally

If you operated the body of Dr Sydney N Bennett from the inside out in anyway vocally, physically & psychologically

If you administered normal or detention & or execution or a combination of practices wirelessly including speaking through or dining through or rhyming through & screaming or coughing through

Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett will never agree to anything anyone that operated at or with the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay or connected labs including their whole "accept" initiative or child like traditional family hierarchies movement of grand parent, parent, child

Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett operate with M.S.P Modern Separatist Group

Dr Carly K.S Bennett's initiative under M.S.P orders using recorded & documented evidence collected in the 1990's-2023 investigation into the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay efforts taken against Dr Carly K.S Bennett & Dr Sydney N Bennett & connected international interests with PT - CIG is to bring everyone involved & connected to justice with courts, international media or execute all of them regardless of age or all other factors

M.S.P + Dr Carly K.S Bennett 2023-2024


In modern war. Rules of War versus Neurological Technology War 

If M.S.P Modern Separatist Group catches a neurological technology lab connecting or with one of ours connected to a device M.S.P has the right to connect bodies of everyone operating at & with that lab to their own neurological technology equipment to monitor & or monitor & control 24/7

Operating handlers


Confirmed persons connecting operating voluntarily first over involuntarily 

Conquer & capture of human beings, animals, insects & mammals by invested neurological technology labs 

M.S.P + Dr Carly K.S Bennett 2023-2024




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