M.S.P - North Bay Neuro-Spies - H.I.3


We have multiple families in the North Bay & area loosing control of their bodies & others getting killed either prior to or while incarcerated


Dr. Alan Aylett

66 Josephine St North Bay, ON

- M.S.P executes Alan, everyone that worked at its practice then everyone that visited between day of opening or 1990's-2023 or those paid & drafted are killed in response to what the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay

Phillips Jeff Dr

437 Sherbrooke St, North Bay, ON

- M.S.P executes Jeff, everyone that worked at its practice then everyone that visited between day of opening or 1990's-2023 or those paid & drafted are killed in response to what the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay

Dr A McDougal

GI Gastrointestinal Doctor

- M.S.P executes Alan, everyone that worked at its practice then everyone that visited between day of opening or 1990's-2023 or those paid & drafted are killed in response to what the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay

Ontario Disability Support Program Dokis-Marten River-Mattawa North Bay-Redbridge

621 Main St W, North Bay, ON

- M.S.P executes everyone that worked at the ODSP location between 1985-2023 & evert recipient including any that relocated, everyone that worked at its practice then everyone that visited between day of opening or 1990's-2023 or those paid & drafted are killed in response to what the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay


Dr Waja "Gino" Doctor

Wrong family to bring up at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay. M.S.P is killing the entire Nigerian - Canadian family in response & retaliation

False claims of any me talk disability including autism to cover up the use of the neurological technology housed at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay 

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests

M.S.P - North Bay Neuro-Spies - H.I.3 

Muskoka + 50+ % of Toronto & most of Southern Ontario then 75% of Canada with small pockets of low crime rates. Canada us an unsafe deadly landscape with a lot of traditional & modern threats 




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