Reasons we are 100% anti-Canadian


October 11, 2023


Inappropriate offensive dictator simpletons operating at the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay

Arguments by those invested & involved to justify these actions daily between 2012-2023 after separate efforts taken between 1980's-2011

Hundreds into thousands of excuses to justify these efforts using a collective power in numbers strategy


Those that agree with Dr Sydney N Bennett should be unmanned & with rights reinstated, right to have full control of ones body for oneself

Those that agree that Dr Sydney N Bennett should not have been connected to neurological technology equipment in the first place at the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay or at Laurention University - Sudbury & McGill University - Montreal for research purposes

Reasons we are 100% anti-Canadian 



Any one person that claimed Dr Sydney N Bennett was to be a mentally or physically -or combination handicap person to justify the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay

M.S.P Modern Separatist Group is officially removing the entire Canadian population between 2023-2025 & remaining citizens that flee by 2028 in response & retaliation over the 2012-2023 rape-torture-terror attacks on Dr Sydney N Bennett from the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay 

We are executing every Canadian citizen that is alive living within & outside the borders of Canada ages 0-17, 18-100+ & those since turned 18

Any new Canadian births will be executed wirelessly

If the body of Dr Sydney N Bennett is permanently connected to the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay sourced full body drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll technology to illegally monitor & monitor & or control the body Dr Sydney N Bennett

Every Canadian citizen dies in response 

Taking over Dr Sydney N Bennett body interrupting what Sydney was doing to act like different characters from cartoons, animations, film or television & literature for their fun & enjoyment while raping-torturing-terrorizing Sydney in attempts to execute slowly & painfully

Using the career of Johnny Depp & thousands of others between 2012-2023 & prior to 2012 between all other efforts on record was a lethal mistake

Dr Mary Koslov in her retirement has vowed to band together with multiple global groups alongside M.S.P Modern Separatist Group & M.C.G Murder City Gang which are taking the lives of every Canadian citizen


We are no longer negotiating with the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay to resolve in court within or outside of Canada using recorded & documented evidence collected by Rue Cypress Montreal - Neurological Technology labs including traced offline, online, mobile, telephone channels of communication 

The Canadians refused to stop their 24 hour rape-torture-terror wireless attacks on Dr Sydney N Bennett between 2012-2023 

We are taking the lives of every Canadian citizen now between 2023-2025 & prior to 2028 for those that flee

Every citizen is either or they are going to be knocked into a neurological technology network with no privacy, rights & no control of their own bodies for themselves 

We will be executing all but 250,000 Canadians while less than 5000 will be left unmanned. Anyone that enters the borders of Canada will be knocked into a neurological technology network controlled by M.S.P Modern Separatist Group monitored while in Canada & after leaving regardless 



Paid - within under 5000 M.S.P 

Drafted trained neurological technology network monitored citizens have to investigate & carry out attacks under M.S.P & M.C.G or other drafts within will execute those drafted living main lives doubling as private drafted M.S.P & M.C.G agents operating under one larger agenda 

Drafted persons maintain a public status quo as a secret intelligence grid situated across Canada 

Our neurological technology main labs in undisclosed underground private undectable bunkers situated across Canada

Canadian Government Targets 


- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in military while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo 

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 


- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in navy while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo 

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 


- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in air force while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo 

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 


- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in police while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo 

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 


- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in intelligence while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo 

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 

Online Intelligence 

- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in online intelligence while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo 

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 

Federal Government 


- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in online intelligence while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 

Provincial Governments

- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in online intelligence while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 

City Governments

- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in online intelligence while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 

Municipal Governments

- Neurological Technology networked main lives - jobs in online intelligence while they double as drafted M.S.P - M.C.G personnel maintaining a public status quo

Drafted personnel can execute others drafted for upper level interests if they refuse to follow through on private assignments within the overall larger agenda 

All Government Interests 

Newly elected or hired & placed persons in elected or employed positions including contracted will be knocked into neurological technology networks monitored unmanned with capabilities to take over their bodies through mobile log in options partially to almost fully vocally, physically & psychologically 

Any one interest caught uncovering where a main device underground bunker is situated will be knocked into a neurological technology network monitored 


We intend to be public & strict over all laws domestically plus rights, economic activity domestically then imports & exports while Canada is now under M.S.P control 100%

Any one interest that wants to leave the country can attempt to yet they may have to go through a court procedure to request to be unmanned or detached from neurological technology networks while memory is reviewed & all earned finances & assets are reviewed 

All 40 million citizens are going to be connected into M.S.P networks by 2024 whe over 10 million are now as of October 2023

Reasons we are 100% anti-Canadian 

If anyone involved operating at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay 

Government - Private or Public Labs

- Operating domestically or internationally affecting persons within the borders of Canada from within or outside 

Private Labs

- Operating domestically or internationally affecting persons within the borders of Canada from within or outside 

Threat Labs 

- Operating domestically or internationally affecting persons within the borders of Canada from within or outside 

Totten - Martin - Vanessa - Sydney - Angela 

The neurological technology controlled human beings then wireless imprisoned slave threats 

Organizations, Corporations, Companies, Brands, areas of Government, Public & Private Markets, Entertainment & Arts, Medical & Dental Health, Science, Automotive, Aviation & Marine leaving 50-90% under M.S.P Modern Separatist Group control while 100% will be under M.S.P control by 2024

Artists, actors, actresses, musicians, bands, dancers & executives leaving 50-90% under M.S.P Modern Separatist Group control while 100% will be under M.S.P control by 2024


Persons that wirelessly monitored & attacked M.S.P interests or that operated with 

Electrocutions after memory extraction 


Neuro-network monitored persons deemed fit for other countries outside Canada

Careers & lives with main life doubling as M.S.P - M.C.G with no reliance on social assistance - welfare or for the disabled - handicap programs of public charge unless approved temporary due to larger globally economic factors otherwise electrocutions wirelessly


Guests welcome to stay amongst the 5000 unmanned in Canada & 250,000 neurological technology controlled population of Canada 

Control & monitor over racial, age, cultural, belief, country of birth, education level & form then financial ability & status factors


Aviation - Air

All pilots, co-pilots & crew + maintenence crews then on flight crews & airport interests if not already knocked into M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology networks already in Canada will be while connected international interests have a similar agenda in other countries borders & airspace 

Commercial - Ground

All drivers, co-drivers & crew + maintenence crews then on ground crews & logistics interests if not already knocked into M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology networks already in Canada will be while connected international interests have a similar agenda in other countries borders & airspace 

All public transit drivers, crews, maintenance crews & logistics coordinators if not already knocked into M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology networks already in Canada will be while connected international interests have a similar agenda in other countries borders & airspace 

Taxi - Shuttle Services

All  drivers, crews, maintenance crews & logistics coordinators if not already knocked into M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology networks already in Canada will be while connected international interests have a similar agenda in other countries borders & airspace 

All Businesses 

Public & Private market investment's

Owners, majority & minority shareholders

Managers & supervisors

Employees & contractors 

Every person if not already knocked into M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology networks already in Canada will be while connected international interests have a similar agenda in other countries borders & airspace 

Canadian Hospitals

North Bay General Hospital is one of all others loosing control of their bodies

Every person that worked in or at any Canadian hospital that is not already knocked into M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology networks already in Canada will be while connected international interests have a similar agenda in other countries borders & airspace 


M.S.P Modern Separatist Group has to knock everyone that physically entered the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay into M.S.P controlled neurological technology networks have them executed to remain alive on earth 

Government of Ontario targets

Ontario Disability Support Program 

- Everyone that worked in this area of the Government of Ontario Government between 1985-2023

Every recipient that was approved then the medical professionals that approved of their disability - handicap diagnosis 

Every person not under M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology network control will be or they ate going to be executed 

Ontario Works 

- Everyone that worked in this area of the Government of Ontario Government between 1985-2023

Every recipient that was approvedone that us not under M.S.P Modern Separatist Group neurological technology network control  

This is in retaliation for claiming Dr Sydney N Bennett was to be a mentally - physically disability - handicap child like bold disturbed want to be trying to be something else copying taking lead from others as per allegations to justify having the body connected to the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay prior to 1999 when Dr Sydney N Bennett has no non-visible or visible disability handicap hereditary or late onset or injury based due to injuries the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay caused in 2003, prior & post & again between 2012-2023

Any one person that tried representing Dr Sydney N Bennett as a person that identifies as an LGBTQ2+ Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer 2+ from the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay to volunteers, guests & persons outside the location ate going to be executed for false representation, multiple attempts on Dr Sydney N Bennett life mainly between 2008-2023 & for mutilating the body using transgender male then female hormones by force as excuse to falsely claim Dr Sydney N Bennett was to be a gay or gay transgender person while illegally wirelessly controlling & monitoring

Any one person that physically entered the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay then those that do are loosing their lives right away or after they are knocked into an M.S.P neurological technology network first under review as prisoners

If you expressed your opinion while at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay your getting killed as a dictator wireless murderer that expects to control others adult lives behind their back & while wirelessly monitoring & or monitoring & controlling their bodies 


M.S.P Modern Separatist Groups take over of Canada in response & retaliation over the one Ontario neurological technology labs, North Bay involves multiple international groups, organizations, Governments, persons & invested interests  

If as stated if the body of Dr Sydney N Bennett has been permanently connected to the sourced full body wireless neurological technology device then the above agenda is already green lit


We are unfortunately officially not able to be with anyone in the USA for what American & Canadian interests carried out at & with the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay

We are with M.S.P Modern Separatist Group & Russia 100% against against North America in response & retaliation

Vladimir Putin

President of Russia

We stand equal to Vladimir Putin & Russia for what the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay chose to do to the body & life of Dr Sydney N Bennett between 2012-2023 & prior dating before 1999

If any one person that had or does exist on earth attempted to represent Dr Sydney N Bennett liked or did not like on earth while robot controlled left fighting for control over ones own body daily between 1986-2023 then they are waisting their time just like all the false claims made in the Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours profiles & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 case outside of Dr Sydney N Bennett's consciously developed portfolio of technology, practices & policies 

All interests are void & dictated. Any experience outside of Dr Sydney N Bennett's consciously developed portfolio of technology, practices & policies the relevant earned credentials are void between 1986-2023 due to the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay's efforts 

We want the Canadians & anyone outside of Canada that operated with or at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay killed or wirelessly held down then killed in response & retaliation for having Dr Sydney N Bennett's body permanently connected to the sourced full body neurological technology equipment prior to 1999

M.S.P is knocking every body that operates at the Bank of Canada into neurological technology networks under their monitor & or control while those at each bank in all positions from banking branches to larger urban positions are also

The Canadian Mint & Government is also being knocked into M.S.P controlled neurological technology networks in response & retaliation over the attacks on Dr Sydney N Bennett 

We will allow controlled frown investments in Canada & controlled domestic investments while maintaining a public status quo 

This extends to imports & exports


The location has multiple persons & groups connecting as a power in numbers strategy then excuses to justify between hundreds to over a thousand including false claims of mental problems or mental break downs & psychological - mental instability used as a cover for the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay to justify having the body permanently connected between 1986-2023

These alleged mental problems or break downs which if existed literally due to the neurological technology housed at the one Ontario neurological technology lab, Noth Bay had to have been manufactured & falsified through use of the equipment locking in Dr Sydney N Bennett's consciousness to take vocal, physical & psychological control of the body literally faking how Sydney speaks, acts & is physically & vocally from the I side out wirelessly while due to separate brain research with Michael Persinger of then Laruention University Sudbury & Dr Mary Koslov of then McGill University Rue Cypress not the new Neuro or MacDonald

The majority of all Canadians will be kept alive put through everything the one Ontario neurological technology lab, North Bay did to Dr Sydney N Bennett between 2012-2023 after separate efforts prior to 1999 & only 1000 tines worse for some or just monitored unmanned for many others while we trace all neurological technology labs 




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